Archives: happy weekend rva

Happy Weekend, RVA: The state of the doughnut

For many, many people, it’s the most exciting weekend of the year! For everyone else, there’s plenty to read, muse upon, and purchase. It’s the weekend, people!

Happy Weekend, RVA: We continue on our weird path

Politics have filled our lives lately, so we suggest you balance that out with a little beer and internet-surfing.

Happy Weekend, RVA: Beware heat stroke

It is warmish out. WARMISH! Stop reading this. 

Happy Weekend, RVA: You deserve it

The first week back to work for many of us, and the weather did not make it easy to leave our holiday cocoon.

Happy Weekend, RVA: The future is here!

Your first weekend of 2015! Make it count, Richmond. Make. It. Count.

Happy Weekend, RVA: Have yourself a peaceful little Christmas

It’s like this weekend should be a calm before the storm, but it is actually the storm itself.

Happy Weekend, RVA: Wade in to the holiday season

Bah humbug. JK, bah humbug on bah humbugs! This weekend is going to be beautiful and so are you, when you radiate holiday spirit.

Happy Weekend, RVA: Let’s hope for a Christmas miracle

The news has been ugly, as of late, but it’s up to you how much you want to dwell on it this weekend. Put on your coat, whistle a holiday tune, and stay far away from the Internet.

Happy Weekend, RVA: Listen to me ramble

Some sun, some clouds, some cold. It’s mid-November and that seems about right. 40s and 50s this weekend with some sub-freezing temperatures overnight. Apparel translation: Quilts.

Happy Weekend, RVA: Yeah, this is a thing!

Reasons to stay in bed on this chilly weekend, if you want them. And reasons to get out of bed, if you want those instead.
