Archives: history

Help the Black History Museum or get lost!

The Black History Museum’s Indiegogo campaign will get it closer to being the only museum of its ilk in the whole dang state!

Former residents recount growing up in Scott’s Addition in the 1930s

The neighborhood was a city within a city, with its own dining, entertainment, and places of worship.

Civil War: Lincoln’s Inauguration 2.0

On this day, 150 years ago, Lincoln was inaugurated YET AGAIN. The Civil War’s axles were about to break, and the man who had been elected to deal with the situation was about to see it through.

RVA’s 1977 revolution: The first-ever African-American-led City Council

In 1977, Richmond City Council had its first non-white majority. That was a majorly historic moment that marked a national turning point in the way city government represented citizens. Come to a free party to mark the occasion as Black History Month comes to a close.

Byrd Park’s temperance fountain: A wet monument to a dry cause

Prohibition wasn’t long for this world when the temperance fountain was erected in 1927 in Byrd Park, but its tribute has stood the test of time.

Find a moment in Richmond history within the Valentine’s archive

Spend a couple of hours plumbing the deep, photographic recesses of Richmond history. It’s easy, it’s fun, and we can show you how.

Civil War: The winter of desertion

They were committed to their Cause. They were angry at the other half of their nation. They were willing to fight to the death! Until a winter of not being paid, clothed, fed, or sheltered made them all peace out. And with dang good reason.

First Freedom Center celebrates all (and no) religions

The Virginia Statute of Religious Freedom gets its very own tribute museum on the site of its signing in 1786. Here’s the facts.

Virginia Historical Society announces 2015 program lineup

The museum is going strong with a variety of programs and lectures in 2015, despite major renovations.

Extended: VMFA unveils relics from the Forbidden City

Richmonders get a peek inside the Imperial Palace built in the Ming dynasty

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