Archives: beasts of the southern wild

85th Academy Awards: RVA snubbed

Think you have the Oscar winners pegged? Check out how well you did (and find out if two films with RVA ties went home winners).

Gottwald estatic over Oscar nods

Co-producer of Beasts of the Southern Wild and Richmonder Michael Gottwald talks about his and (Quvenzhané’s) reaction to the film’s four Oscar nominations.

The Oscars and RVA: Beasts of the Southern Wild and Lincoln score multiple nominations

Two films with local ties were given Oscar nominations this morning.

The complete 2012 RVA holiday gift guide

This holiday gift guide is something different: it’s a celebration of the amazing and unique attributes of RVA, available only here, from our own resources, creators, and artisans.

Dixie Chicken brings traditional Southern food to RVA

Back in April, two friends came together to start a food truck and take-out location that catered to traditional Southern cuisine. The food has been getting rave reviews. But how’s business been?

Beasts of the Southern Wild: Home is everything

In his first feature film, Beasts of the Southern Wild, director Benh Zeitlin has created a thing of beauty that’s unlike anything you’ve seen before