5 Things

This weekend we have the wisdom of the Dude, a classic tale of school boys gone cray-cray, Robert Redford makes the assassination of Abe Lincoln even more interesting than we thought it could be, plus more!

Oscar nominations were announced earlier this week, the annual event that reminds us of all the great movies we didn’t see the previous year. Instead, we chose craptastic celluloid like this. If you’re thinking the weekend will consist of screening Oscar-nominated films…THINK AGAIN! There’s way too much cool stuff happening to waste away watching movie after movie after movie at home. For instance, a classic book many of us read in high school is getting a theatrical touch, Robert Redford makes the Civil War-era America suspenseful, and a modern cult classic revisits the Big Screen. This and more in this week’s 5 Things!

1. “RACE: Are We So Different?” Exhibit Opens

Race. I know–it’s a thing. Instead of tip-toeing around the issue, the Science Museum is meeting it head-on, launching a new exhibit that examines the many facets of race in America. It begins with a look at what current science tells us about why humans vary, and just how similar and different we truly are. It’ll last until April. This Saturday’s opening event features guest speakers. Included in museum admission.

  • Sat., Jan. 28 • All day
  • Science Museum of Richmond, 2500 W. Broad Street
  • Included with museum admittance, $5 – $11

2. Lord of the Flies

I remember reading William Golding’s Lord of the Flies in high school. It was one of my first required school readings that not only did not suck, but that I actually enjoyed. Now the literary classic is getting the theatrical treatment. Here’s a promo for the production:1

  • Thur., Jan. 26 – Sat., Feb. 25 •
  • Henley Street Theatre, 2106A N. Hamilton Street
  • $15 (Martin’s Bonuscard holders receive $5 off)

3. Civil War Cinema: The Conspirator

The 2011 Robert Redford film about Mary Surratt, the only female charged in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, will rekindle Civil War cinema. It’s a joint effort by the Museum of the Confederacy and the Byrd Theatre to educate, entertain, and to raise money for both organizations. Before the movie, there will be a champagne and chocolate reception and a Surratt biographer will give a short lecture. Here’s the film’s trailer (because I’m in such a trailer-showing mood!):


  • Sun., Jan. 29 • 1pm – 4pm
  • Byrd Theatre, 2908 W. Cary Street
  • $15 (students) – $25 (regular), includes reception, lecture, and film

4. 13th Virginia Dance Festival

Who doesn’t like dancing (I mean, aside from this guy)? Just as in years past, the Virginia Dance Festival helps raise money for the Children’s Hospital of Richmond. Performers from all over the state convene and give the public a taste of what they can do. This year’s participants include: Crossroads Irish Dance Troupe, City Dance Theatre, Sound Movement Performing Arts Academy, and many, many others. I hope this lady is able to make it.

  • Sat., Jan. 28 • 3pm and 7pm
  • James River High School, 3700 James River Road, Midlothian
  • $10 – $12

5. The Big Lebowski

I don’t roll on shabbosShut the f*ck up, Donny! Ah, The Big Lebowski. So many great lines of dialogue. So many great moments. While this movie is easy to own or rent, seeing it on the big screen with fellow Achievers 2 is the way to properly experience it. While you won’t be able to sit back with a White Russian like the Dude, you will be able to watch The Big Lebowski at Bow Tie Cinema for under $6.

  • Fri., Jan. 27 & Sat., Jan. 28 • 11:30pm
  • Bow Tie Cinema, 1301 N. Boulevard

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  1. although it’s no The Dark Knight Rises trailer, amiright!?! 
  2. what fans of the film are called (like Trekkers are to Star Trek) 
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Nathan Cushing

Nathan Cushing is a writer, journalist, and RVANews Editor.

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