Oscar nominations announced!
The nominations for the 84th Academy Awards were announced early this morning. Who were the surprise nominees, and what films have a chance of winning Best Picture?
Earlier this morning, nominees for the 84th Academy Awards were announced in Beverly Hills. Brad Pitt, Michelle Williams, George Clooney, and Meryl Streep were among the nominated, as were films “The Artist,” “The Help,” and “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close.”
Best Picture
- ”War Horse”
- “The Artist”
- “Moneyball”
- “The Descendents”
- “Tree of Life”
- “The Help”
- “Hugo”
- “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”
Best Actor
- Demian Bachir, “A Better Life”
- George Clooney, “The Descendants”
- Jean Dujardin, “The Artist”
- Brad Pitt, “Moneyball”
- Gary Oldman, “Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy”
Best Actress
- Viola Davis, “The Help”
- Glenn Close, “Albert Nobbs”
- Rooney Mara, “Girl With the Dragon Tattoo”
- Meryl Streep, “The Iron Lady”
- Michelle Williams, “My Week With Marilyn”
Best Supporting Actor
- Kenneth Branagh, “My Week With Marilyn”
- Jonah Hill, “Moneyball”
- Christopher Plummer, “Beginners”
- Nick Nolte, “Warrior”
- Max von Sydow, “Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close”
Best Supporting Actress
- Berenice Bejo, “The Artist”
- Jessica Chastain, “The Help”
- Melissa McCarthy, “Bridesmaids”
- Janet McTeer, “Albert Nobbs”
- Octavia Spencer, “The Help”
- Michel Hazanavicius, “The Artist”
- Martin Scorsese, “Hugo”
- Alexander Payne, “The Descendants”
- Terrence Malick, “Tree of Life”
- Woody Allen, “Midnight in Paris”
photo by Dave_B_
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