Archives: RVANews Live: Fascinating People 2016

Finally! Arbor Day Concert at Pumphouse Park

Trees, bands, and pumphouses. It’s finally all happening, and we will not be rained out again! WE WILL NOT!

The greater KonMari way: Life beyond the method

Sarah Fought checks in with where she is, who she is, and what her life is like now that Marie Kondo’s “tidying” method has turned her daily experience upside down.

A Fake Richmonder’s recycling bin repurposing guide

Now that most of us have the big recycling carts, the little green guys are no longer necessary. It seems counterproductive to throw them away, so a Fake Richmonder has some ideas.

You’ve got this: A guide to telling your story, presenting yourself, and working the room

Joan Bowling is a natural at two things: speaking and teaching others how to speak in even the most stressful situations. She was born to do an audio interview about this kind of thing. Get ready for a surge of confidence.

Heather Waters and the Richmond International Film Festival

Let’s see, we’ve pretty much got dining in the bag, and we’ve long been a musical and visual arts powerhouse…but what about film? Does RIFF’s massive growth over four years indicate that we’re on the movie map?

Best Supporting Commonwealth: Virginia in a starring role

The Commonwealth has been ready for its closeup since 1607. So why does it seem like Hollywood has just now figured out that everything should be filmed in our stunning state?
