Archives: RPS

Richmond Public Schools inducts Thomas Jefferson coach into Athletic Hall of Fame

The school system seeks donations to honor TJ basketball Jessie Hicks and other athletic role models with plaques at various schools.

Library mural painstakingly restored at Thomas Jefferson High School

The circa-1940 mural was brought back to its former glory by a local artist last week.

School safety, funding should be top priorities, 1st District Councilman Baliles says

“…Council’s most important responsibility [is] to look at the Mayor’s proposed budget and make adjustments to help move the City forward.”

What $60,000 worth of PR could have purchased at local schools

Teachers are finding ways to solve their classroom needs from outside sources. Meanwhile, a bunch of balloons to unveil a new high school cost the city $800. What is happening!?

Two years after incident RPS Superintendent and Huguenot Principal apologize

“We want inclusion for all, regardless of race, creed or color,” RPS Superintendent Bedden.

Help Elkhardt Middle School move to Clark Springs Elementary

Two days to move and set up a school. It can be done with a little help from the community.

Two open houses scheduled for Patrick Henry School

Check out PHSSA on Monday, January 26nd from 6-7:00 PM, and Tuesday, February 3rd from 9-10:00 AM.

RPS open enrollment begins January 20th

Hoping to send your kids to an out-of-zone school? Better get on it!

What your new/old School Board and City Council leadership has to say

Monday night’s School Board and City Council leadership announcements indicated that a change is in the wind—or not, depending on how you want to look at it.

The RPS Academic Improvement Plan

On Monday, the superintendent announced his plan for setting Richmond Public Schools on the straight and narrow. We’ve got that plan.

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