Good Morning, RVA: Baseball!

In my best James Earl Jones voice: Baseball!

Good morning, RVA! It’s 43 ° F, but today’s high of 74 °F makes me want to dance to a Pharrell song (not the one with Robin Thicke). Everything about this afternoon looks wonderful, so please enjoy.

Water cooler

Kindergarten registration begins today for children who will turn five-years-old before September 30th. You need whole slew of documents and data, so come prepared.

The Flying Squirrels open their season tonight at The Diamond at 6:35 PM against Altoona. The Squirrels, in their 5th season (?!), are 4-3 after series with New Britain and Bowie. Tickets are still available.

Mark Holmberg has the word that Dave Brockie may be interred at Hollywood Cemetery, which just makes me smile.

Yesterday, near Pittsburgh, 22 people were injured at a high school by a student wielding knives. FiveThirtyEight has a statistical look at the weapons used in schools homicides.

This morning’s longread

Caving in

This piece on the deplorable state of some of our city’s schools will make your heart hurt. Leaky roofs, peeling paint, and rodent infestations aren’t ideological issues, they are practical problems that have straightforward (although not necessarily easy or cheap) solutions. Let’s figure out some of those solutions.

The ceilings at Thompson Middle School started oozing in the fall. Watery, foul-smelling drops of diluted tar fell into classrooms and hallways. The long, wet winter only made things worse. The ooze continues to creep.

The staff does what it’s always done when the building starts showing its age: It copes. Custodians work late. Teachers rearrange desks. Buckets are put into place.

This morning’s Instagram

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Photo by: Patrick.Simkins

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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