Weather! The Debut

The RVANews staff is stoked (STOKED) to present its latest and greatest addition: Weather! Come on in and have a look…

The good: March 1 is the beginning of meteorological spring, which means that astronomical spring (the vernal equinox) won’t be far behind.

The bad: It’s not here yet.

The ugly: There’s a chance for more snow, and I’m not talking about the Canadian rapper.

The less ugly and slightly better: It won’t be like the snow event from last March.

I was hoping that the launch of the RVANews Weather section would come with slightly calmer weather and a chance to ease into this, but it appears that it will not be so. I enjoy snow, but I am ready for this winter to be over.

We’re still seeing some influence from the area of low pressure that brought the latest snowstorm to the northeast, which is still lurking off the coast of the Canadian Maritimes. We’ll have yet another breezy day with winds out of the northwest. The one advantage is that the winds coming off the mountains should keep things clear, at least through the day. Temperatures will be right around normal for the day (53/33), but sadly nowhere near the record high of 80 for the day. Ladies? Thinking about wearing a skirt tomorrow? Probably a bad idea. Guys? Got a lady who likes to wear skirts? Don’t dissuade her!

Clouds will start building in Monday night into Tuesday morning as an area of low pressure approaches from the Gulf Coast. There’s still some question as to exactly when the precipitation will begin falling Tuesday afternoon, but I feel confident saying that it will begin as rain. Whether or not surface temperatures get low enough to support snow all the way to the ground (and if so, how much) is still up for some debate. Richmond will likely get into the low 40s before the rain starts falling Tuesday afternoon. Evening temperatures should fall into the mid 30s, with the rain changing over to a cold rain/snow mix as temps approach freezing.

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Weather Dan

Dan Goff is now a two-time former Richmonder, having departed the River City yet again in favor of southwest Virginia, where he is working on degrees in geography and meteorology at Virginia Tech. Have a question about the weather or weather-related phenomena?

Notice: Comments that are not conducive to an interesting and thoughtful conversation may be removed at the editor’s discretion.

  1. Yay!!!! Weather Dan on RVA News! Good move my friends!

  2. YES. One less thing I have to depend on non-RVANews sources for.

  3. lindsey on said:

    i like it! i do hope that it won’t always be in paragraph form though…i definitely like being able to get quick weather updates with just a high temp, low temp and a little photo so i know what it looks like outside. I like the format though. it’s weather, but it’s still very rvanews!

  4. Lindsey, just go to for the quick rundown

  5. lindsey on said:

    YES! sweet thank you!!!

  6. I look forward to your tweets for weather updates throughout the day. Thanks for the update, WxDan! You’re the people’s weather man in Rrichmond, VA.

  7. Weather and a Clint Eastwood reference. Niiice!! Good job, Weather Dan!

    Also, I second Tess’s comment – one less thing I have to depend on a non-RVANews source for.

  8. Wolf on said:

    Nice! Good work guys!

  9. Kory on said:

    Wow, excellent report, Dan. Well done! I’ll definitely be relying on RVANews for my weather info too! :)

  10. George on said:

    Congrats on the new column…now use your magical Weather Dan powers and make this snow go away. DO IT!

  11. I now have “Informer” stuck in my head. I blame you, wxdan!

  12. Carol A.O. Wolf on said:

    Great idea! Seriously, wxDan, perhaps could report not only about the weather forecasts, but go beyond that and teach us about the “stuff” of weather — the clouds, winds, sun, moon, stars and more?

    This also presents a great opportunity to include famous (and not-so-famous) poems about the weather. Just a thought ….

  13. I would like to see him make awkwardly weird forecasts to cause people to freak out 5 days before a storm may or may not hit. In all seriousness though, even though I’m not in Richmond anymore, I think this great to have WX Dan on your site providing reasonable insight into the weather.

  14. Thanks everyone for all the wonderful comments! I’m really excited about this and hopefully I won’t scare everyone off before next week at the earliest.

    I do plan on adding some more in-depth discussion about either historically significant weather events, interesting trends, and basic processes that people might be curious about.

    If there’s something in particular that you want to know about, feel free to ask either here in the comments or email it to me.

  15. Also, David: I’d never be able to get away with all the poor copyediting required to make that a possibility. I have no doubt that Valerie would leave SO MANY diapers on my doorstep if I even tried.

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