Black Liquid — 2016 Fascinating Person #3
He’s a hip-hop artist, an advocate, a pontificator, a gentleman, and a scholar. We have seriously never heard him speak one un-fascinating sentence.

Photo by Joe Dyer.
Meet each of the Fascinating People we’ve invited to speak for eight minutes on whatever they want. It goes down on Wednesday, February 24th. Learn more here or just go ahead and snag some tickets.
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You can follow @blackliq on Twitter, and you can listen to his enormous hip-hop catalogue, but you really don’t know just how fascinating Black Liquid (aka Rob Fields) can be until you hear him talk.
Do so by checking out his WRIR radio show, Hip-Hop for the Rest of Us, which airs 1:00 – 3:00 PM on Sundays.
He can literally talk about anything in a compelling way. So much so, that when we had him speak about hip-hop in Richmond at RVANews Live #002, he pretty much dominated the room during his panel. Sorry, everyone else, but you know it to be true. He can talk about what the kids need today (he does a lot of work with youth), he can talk about RVA’s art scene, he can talk about disparity in the past, present, and future, he can talk about anything.
When we asked Liq (he lets us call him that! We may or may not have had a group moment of childish glee!) what he’d like to do for Fascinating People 2016, he suggested we take questions from the audience on literally anything they want him to talk about.
So be creative, audience. Put Black Liquid through his paces, and ask about anything in the world! We’ll take two questions (because it’s only eight minutes), and they better be challenging!
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Read all the stories that feature our 2016 Fascinating People!
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