Happy Weekend, RVA: Richmond and the City

Finding our weekend’s news and appropriate content through hashtags, puns, etc, possibly based on a hit HBO TV series.

What happened was, I got absorbed in another article that will debut next week, and then went to a birthday party and completely forgot to write this. We got home, I said, “Oh no, I have to write my column,” and I was called “Carrie Bradshaw” in a scornful tone. 

Two can play this game.

Have you ever wondered whether the weather is just a figment of your imagination or whether it’s really something  that determines how we live our lives? For instance, this weekend’s forecast teases those of us who just want to know what we should wear and what activities to plan. “Two Storms Named at Once: This Forecast is Serious” says Weather.com, but are they referring to actual wind and rain or are they referring to our hearts? For Miranda, the outlook was low 90s–a burning desire that would keep her in a mild sweat under her [Apparel Translation:] blazer.

In case you missed it

We’d all had quite a week. While Samantha worried about whether or not she was shopping in the right aisle at Target, Charlotte identified her own targets of weightless elimination. As for me, I’d spent too much time  learning about the different types of private schools as well as public schools, that I hadn’t realized just how therapeutic it would be to stop, look up, and count the stars

Because it’s not just how our colleges measure up to each other, it’s how each of us–as well as our families–cope with our own private school routines.

And tonight, better people than I are taking a stand for what they believe in. As a result, I learned that it’s not OK to exist in the grey area, even if that’s the upcoming season’s chosen shade.

Heads up

So what’s in store for us? As the summer lingers on like a successful first date, we look forward to thoughts about the General Assembly’s special session about redistricting, new books to read, a look at the BRT buses, and all sorts of things about the Big Bike Race™. I wondered, as I looked at my dusty bike propped against the wall in my dining room–when love gets a flat tire, the outcome might depend on which one of us remembered to bring the pump.

Reasons to stay in bed

Reasons to get up

  • You’re thrilled that Charlotte’s elderly politician boyfriend looks to be on the outs with progressive voters, but mostly because you could not stand the way he alienated black voters who occasionally made it into one of your scenes.
  • And with that thought in mind, I sign off, asking you, my readers: Are we all that different from wild bears who terrorize parks? When we run a political campaign, don’t we defend ourselves with as sharp a set of claws as we can? And is it time we let ourselves “bear” it as long as we can, for our friends?

Answers: 1. Samantha, obviously. Unless Charlotte is into the whole beautiful, prim fashion part of it. 2. She seduces it. 3. “Look, Miranda. I know you’re hurting, but fire these teenagers from your staff, and the rest of us will help you with your publicity! All for one, right?

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Susan Howson

Susan Howson is managing editor for this very website. She writes THE BEST bios.

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