Help Dominion Skateboards become Mountain Dew superstars

35 skateshops across the country have partnered with local artists to create a custom-designed Mountain Dew can. Five skateshops from seven different regions are competing, and Dominion Skateboards is representing the Mid-Atlantic and good ol’ RVA.

Ok, I know our last Op/Ed involved voting for something Richmondy, but I’m sorry, people in this town keep doing stuff!

35 skateshops across the country have partnered with local artists to create a custom-designed Mountain Dew can. Five skateshops from seven different regions are competing, and Dominion Skateboards is representing the Mid-Atlantic and good ol’ RVA.

Dominion’s Mountain Dew can
was designed by Bryan Woodland who had this to say about it:

“I wanted to represent the grime and grit of the streets in everyday Richmond city life by encompassing the feeling of a ripped open, crushed can you might see lying in a gutter or random alleyway. By exposing the layers, the viewer has a chance to grasp something they normally would not pick up or even consider touching.”

Whichever can design wins will be distributed nationwide. Regional voting ends at 2:59pm on September 9. Once registered, you have seven votes per day.

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Valerie Catrow

Valerie Catrow is editor of RVAFamily, mother to a mop-topped first grader, and always really excited to go to bed.

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