Archives: parenting

Leggo my LEGOland

Leave LEGO-loving, YA-reading adults alone!

Yes, and go to bed!

How improv classes can (probably) make you a better parent.

Change, please!

(I think…)

Raising Richmond: You can’t say that again

Kids and bad language is a gray area. There are bad words, not bad words, and then all the words my daughter says.

Summer to-dos at CMoR Central

Spidey, Thomas, and professional athletes. Get ready for your kids to lose their ding-dang minds.

Dad, what is boxing?

You prepare yourself as a parent with answers for the Big Questions™: “Where do babies come from?”, “Is there a God?”, and “What happened to the rest of the ice cream?” It never occurred to me that I’d have to provide explanations for the weird things human beings do to pass the time.

Four-year-olds are crazy

I am a life raft…I am a life raft…I am a life raft…

Raising Richmond: Mom jean blues

First it’s swim dresses and tankinis, next it’s cropped pants, short hair, novelty license plates that say KATYSMOM, stick figure family stickers, regular Ann Taylor and not Ann Taylor Loft. People will just be able to guess that I have a child who runs my life.

Why aren’t you getting dressed today?

Ah, parenting. When what worked yesterday probably won’t work today, but might work tomorrow. Maybe.

Parental traffic

Northern Virginia traffic as a metaphor for life with two tiny humans.

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