Archives: 100 days RVA

Day #041: A hotel, anchors, and a Richmond Walk of Fame in Carytown

What makes Carytown one of Richmond’s greatest places? What could make it better?

Day #040: Serious student discounts at museums

Experience is the backbone of education. More dramatic two-part pricing could attract a different audience while furthering the mission of Richmond’s museums. 

Day #039: Pre-sorting trash, and landfill mining and reclamation

Turning today’s trash into the future’s treasure.

Day #038: Introduce “cop cams”

“Cop cams” decrease public complaints and use of police force while increasing transparency.  

Day #037: Turn Cary Street and Main Street into two-way streets

Two-way reversion is a cheap tool for promoting commerce. 

Day #036: Invest in conservation in addition to alternatives

We make significant (but still inadequate) investments in clean renewable alternatives, but we rarely talk about effective conservation.

Day #035: Reduced ticket prices for counties who fund infrastructure

Cheaper tickets to city-based events are the least residents could ask for after footing the bill for some of Richmond’s most visible infrastructure.

Day #034: Allow open containers in public

If detrimental behavior is already illegal, why ban consuming alcohol in public?

Day #033: Sell naming rights to public schools

An unorthodox idea for funding RPS capital improvements in the short-term.

Day #032: Develop an alternative strategy for dealing with congestion

The incredible cost of attempting and failing to reduce congestion.

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