You are going to have a great year!

Patience Salgado over at Kindness Girl has a great idea: Meet me and other Guerrilla Goodness lovers in front of the Carillon (Bryd Park) at 3:00 pm on September 7th! Here’s how it works: 1. I will pass out addresses to city schools and sidewalk chalk. 2. You head out with friends, family, kids, dogs, grandmothers, artists, […]

Patience Salgado over at Kindness Girl has a great idea:

Meet me and other Guerrilla Goodness lovers in front of the Carillon (Bryd Park) at 3:00 pm on September 7th!
Here’s how it works:
1. I will pass out addresses to city schools and sidewalk chalk.
2. You head out with friends, family, kids, dogs, grandmothers, artists, […]

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Alicia Farrell

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