Want to add an event to the calendar?
PPN now offers an ‘ADD EVENT‘ tool, so that you too may post the details of your organization’s upcoming hootenany to the site calendar. To get to this tool, you can click on the ‘ADD EVENT’ links above or below the week’s calendar items in the left sidebar of the site, or you can […]
PPN now offers an ‘ADD EVENT‘ tool, so that you too may post the details of your organization’s upcoming hootenany to the site calendar. To get to this tool, you can click on the ‘ADD EVENT’ links above or below the week’s calendar items in the left sidebar of the site, or you can click the related link at the top of the main calendar page.
Note that your event will need to be approved before appearing on the calendar.
Here’s how it works: After filling out the event details, click the ‘PREVIEW this event’ button — this takes you to a page where you can see what your submission will look like and make any changes if necessary. To then submit the event, click the ‘SUBMIT your event’ button.
Head’s up: stick to just good ole’ fashioned text in the description box — hyperlinks won’t work, and they usually won’t fit inside the sidebar where the week’s calendar items hang out.
Finally, please list only those events going on in the Petersburg area.
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