The Edible R-evolution Garden Tour

I know a bunch of people have some great gardens out there. Why not submit yours? Do you have a fabulous, creative, and sustainable kitchen garden? Do you live in the Ginter Park or Bellevue neighborhoods of Richmond? Do you want to share your awesomeness with others interested in kitchen gardening? Then please […]

I know a bunch of people have some great gardens out there. Why not submit yours?

Do you have a fabulous, creative, and sustainable kitchen garden? Do you live in the Ginter Park or Bellevue neighborhoods of Richmond? Do you want to share your awesomeness with others interested in kitchen gardening? Then please nominate your garden to be a part of this exciting new event for Tricycle Gardens

Want to see your garden on our tour? Then please email to get your entry form. All submissions will be reviewed by a jury of all-stars in the local food and community gardening movement to determine which ten gardens will make it onto our tour.

The website says submissions are due March 15th, but an email we received says its been extended to April 30th.

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