Survey for Richmond’s Bike Master Plan
VIA Bikeable Richmond: From Richmond Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Coordinator Jake Helmboldt: In July we officially kicked off the Bike Master Plan process as a follow-on to the City’s Strategic Multimodal Transportation Plan. The intent of the plan is to develop specific infrastructure improvements, identifying the streets and types of infrastructure needed along each corridor. […]
From Richmond Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Coordinator Jake Helmboldt:
In July we officially kicked off the Bike Master Plan process as a follow-on to the City’s Strategic Multimodal Transportation Plan. The intent of the plan is to develop specific infrastructure improvements, identifying the streets and types of infrastructure needed along each corridor. We want this to be a process that engages the public and provides us with input on the “what and where” of needed improvements. An online survey has been developed to allow us to begin gathering that feedback. Please take the brief survey and encourage others to do so as well so that we can obtain a broad perspective across the Richmond community.
The survey can be accessed via the City’s pedestrian and bike webpage.
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