Mountain bike skills park planned for Belle Isle

The area under the Robert E. Lee Bridge on the east end of Belle Isle is apparently destined to become a mountain bike pump track, dubbed the Belle Isle Off-Road Bicycle Skills Area. From the IMBA website: When presented with a unique opportunity, the Richmond chapter of the Mid Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts (MORE) took full […]

The area under the Robert E. Lee Bridge on the east end of Belle Isle is apparently destined to become a mountain bike pump track, dubbed the Belle Isle Off-Road Bicycle Skills Area.

From the IMBA website:

When presented with a unique opportunity, the Richmond chapter of the Mid Atlantic Off Road Enthusiasts (MORE) took full advantage of the urban location and imposing transportation structure on Belle Isle by proposing a bicycle skills area. Not only will the facility be easily accessible and help local riders prepare themselves for the City of Richmond’s excellent singletrack trails, but it will be adjacent to an on-road skills training area being designed by the League of American Bicyclists and will therefore provide a comprehensive training ground.

Trail Specialists Dan Hudson and Tammy Donahugh visited the project site with MORE, the City of Richmond, and other stakeholders. The Trail Solutions team conceived of a schematic site plan and helped develop high-level cost estimates to be used for funding procurement.

IMBA believes that providing easily accessible mountain bicycling opportunities is critical to the success of the sport, and applauds Richmond MORE and the City of Richmond for pursuing the development of the Belle Isle Off-Road Bicycle Skills Area. To help support the project IMBA is donating a portion of the design services through the assistance of the Trailbuilding Fund program.

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Phil Riggan

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