Local Running Group to Honor Slain Woman and Encourage Running Safety

On January 7, 2012, Sherry Arnold, a 43-year-old mother and teacher, left her house in Sidney, Montana, at 6:30 a.m. for an early morning run. When she didn’t return home later that morning, her community searches, and only one clue had been found: one of her running shoes.

On January 7, 2012, Sherry Arnold, a 43-year-old mother and teacher, left her house in Sidney, Montana, at 6:30 a.m. for an early morning run. When she didn’t return home later that morning, her community searches, and only one clue had been found: one of her running shoes.

Seven days after her disappearance, the FBI arrested two men, and one confessed to abducting her only about a mile from her home and killing her.

This tragedy has given rise to a nationwide effort of support for Sherry’s family by runners and non-runners alike. A virtual running event, assembled by her cousin and fellow runner, will take place coast to coast this Saturday, February 11, 2012.

That morning, thousands of people will don bibs created in Sherry’s honor with the words “Running For Sherry: Courage, Strength, Grace” printed on them. Participants will run, cycle, walk, ski; they will, as reported in the Runner’s World Magazine article covering the event, “just go.”

Here in Richmond, the Mother Runner Training Team, a group over 70 moms strong, will meet this Saturday at 8:00 a.m. at Mom’s Treehouse on John Rolfe Parkway. The group will wear ‘Running For Sherry’ bibs and run over 250 cumulative miles.

Following the scheduled run, the Henrico County Police Department will present a short safety talk to the group.

“With busy schedules and limited hours of daylight, the only time some moms can run is in the darkness of the early morning or evening,” Mom’s Treehouse owner Rachel Pustilnik said.

Although running in daylight is a safer choice, the officer will be offering guidelines and safety tips for running in the darker hours.

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