Justin French properties among recent foreclosures in the neighborhood
A Richmond BizSense look at recent foreclosures in the region lists 5 sets of properties, including a stretch of 7 homes on 31st Street tied to the convicted swindler Justin French. 507 A&B North 32nd Street, Richmond, 23223 Amount: $258,370 Borrower: HSSN St. Properties Foreclosure Date: August 16, 2012 Trustee: James A. Yergin 515 A&B […]
A Richmond BizSense look at recent foreclosures in the region lists 5 sets of properties, including a stretch of 7 homes on 31st Street tied to the convicted swindler Justin French.
507 A&B North 32nd Street, Richmond, 23223
Amount: $258,370
Borrower: HSSN St. Properties
Foreclosure Date: August 16, 2012
Trustee: James A. Yergin515 A&B North 24th Street, Richmond, 23223
Amount: $264,000
Borrower: HSSN St. Properties
Foreclosure Date: August 16, 2012
Trustee: James A. Yergin2418 E. Franklin Street Unit 109, Richmond, 23223
Amount: $177,350
Foreclosure Date: August 7, 2012
Trustee: Samuel I. White1417 N. 23rd Street, Richmond, 23223
Amount: $85,000
Foreclosure Date: August 9, 2012
Trustee: Samuel I. White1102, 1112, 1114, 1116, 1118, 1120, & 1122 N. 31st Street, Richmond
Amount: $700,000
Borrower: Church Hill Properties
Foreclosure Date: August 2, 2012
Trustee: James A. Yergin
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