Graffiti Related To Best Friends Day?
A neighbor saw someone putting this graffiti on the Overlook this morning. She described offender as a “bff scenster kid”. “I saw him doing it. I was totally enraged…tired of all the beer cans tossed everywhere, (am planning to go out and pick up some later.) Two people in the townhouses came out though could not hear exactly what was […]
A neighbor saw someone putting this graffiti on the Overlook this
morning. She described offender as a “bff scenster kid”.
“I saw him doing it. I was totally enraged…tired of all the beer
cans tossed everywhere, (am planning to go out and pick up some
later.) Two people in the townhouses came out though could not hear
exactly what was going on. I got home fairly quickly and called the
police. They got here fairly quickly.They drove around and ousted some
campers…I asked them to make sure they made them pack their trash up
too. He said that was his plan and he had been in the area all day
yesterday dealing with them. I just find the whole bunch so self-
centerred and oblivious of any community consciousness/respect.”
I will note that the Overlook was destroyed after Tropical Storm Gaston a few years ago. FEMA money paid for replacing it. It has been tagged by graffiti repeatedly. The Oregon Hill Neighborhood Association has asked for security cameras, because the graffiti situation has also become worse underneath the Lee Bridge.
A new alley stop sign also got tagged recently.
I am not sure if this upsurge in damage is related to Best Friends Day this weekend or simply that VCU students are back in town. What I do not know is that the neighborhood association will seek the greatest punishments possible (including expulsion from school) for vandals. This all really puts a damper on a beautiful Sunday.
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