Gardening Tips: Fall Into Color
If that slight nip in the air has you thinking pumpkins and autumn leaves, then it’s time to incorporate some of those vibrant orange and amber hues into your perennial beds. A common misconception for the landscape gardener is the belief that color ends with the onset of September breezes. On the contrary […]
If that slight nip in the air has you thinking pumpkins and autumn leaves, then it’s time to incorporate some of those vibrant orange and amber hues into your perennial beds. A common misconception for the landscape gardener is the belief that color ends with the onset of September breezes. On the contrary perennial garden mums, winter pansies, blooming shrubs and evergreens provide wonderful staying power and visual interest through November until the bitter cold of early January.
“Violas and pansies are always one of my favorites,” says Strange’s greenhouse manager, Sunnie Caldwell. “While both offer a veritable range of color, violas provide strength in numbers with multiple blooms of tiny flowers.” These can be planted at any time as long as you can crack your spade into earth; however, soils that are warm and moist from summer temperatures and rainfall are always best for conditioning and fertilizing new shrubs or seedlings.
Other late season extenders include garden mums, perennial grasses and ornamental cabbage and kale. Muhlenbergia, better known as Muhly Grass, offers a vivid pink and purple color that tends to last into late December or January with a mild winter. Ornamental cabbage and kale are deer resistant and provide great white, pink and purple interest as background canvas. Layering this effect with bright yellow, burgundy and orange perennial mums will definitely draw the envious eyes of all your neighbors.
Choosing the appropriate blooming shrubs, deciduous trees and evergreens is also essential for autumn landscape design. Especially consider non-blooming foundation plants, which provide inspirational texture and interest. With vibrant scarlet hues the “true to its name” Burning Bush Euonymous and regal purple berries of Beautyberry Callicarpa are sure to attract the attention of birds and other wildlife seeking shelter from the oncoming winter winds.
Fall Blooming Camellia, Nandina and Pyracantha are also must haves for autumn design as their berries and blooms are proven winners throughout the cool season. During your latest visit to Lewis Ginter you may have recognized the Osmanthus Fragrans; with petite blooms and rich green foliage this evergreen provides a mildly sweet scent that will gently permeate any garden retreat.
Fall into color with these autumn knock outs and visit Strange’s trial beds at 12111 W. Broad Street in Shortpump for a display of these and other blooming shrubs, perennials and evergreens. P.S. Don’t forget to plant narcissus, tulip, hyacinth and crocus bulbs now for spring color and stay tuned for more info! Let’s love on and learn about gardening together!
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