Discount tickets at the Firehouse

Holy Road Kill! “Trailer Park” is so hot it’s been extended an extra week! Grab a last-minute escape to Armadillo Acres and save! Now through May 23, the Firehouse Theatre offers 15 “rush” tickets at the trailer-worthy price of only $15 to The Great American Trailer Park Musical! Q. Why are […]

Holy Road Kill! “Trailer Park” is so hot it’s been extended an extra week!

Grab a last-minute escape to Armadillo Acres and save! Now through May 23, the Firehouse Theatre offers 15 “rush” tickets at the trailer-worthy price of only $15 to The Great American Trailer Park Musical!

Q. Why are they called rush tickets?

A. Because there are only 15 of them available per show, and in order to snag one, you have to haul butt over to the Firehouse and be first in line when the doors open at 7:30! At the Door only — night of show only — first come, first served!

Q. What is The Great American Trailer Park Musical?

A. See a sneak peak, including interviews with the cast and crew on Andrew Cothern’s “Mash Up” video review on, or
A. Read Mary Burruss’s StyleWeekly review, “Slumdog’s Million Heirs” here, or
A. Read Susan Haubenstock’s Richmond Times-Dispatch review, “Musical a Double-Wide Extravaganza” here.

For more orderly, organized individuals who prefer to plan in advance, read more about the show, the cast and crew, and purchase regular tickets for any night you like, right here.

The Firehouse Theatre Project, a non-profit theater company, was founded in 1993 to present important contemporary American theater pieces with an emphasis on plays not previously produced in the metropolitan Richmond area. The company, which is under the direction of Carol Piersol, Founding Artistic Director, is housed in the former Richmond Fire Station No. 10 at 1609 W. Broad St.

For more information about the Firehouse Theatre Project’s 2007/08 season, please call 804.355.2001 or click here.

– The information above was provided by Stacie Birchette at the Firehouse
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