Council to consider boundary change for voting precincts 503 and 505

The agenda for Monday’s City Council meeting (PDF) includes the following item of specifically local interest: Ord. No. 2013-125 (Patron: Mr. Agelasto) – To amend and reordain City Code §§ 30-114 and 30-116, concerning precinct boundaries for Precincts 503 and 505, for the purpose of establishing new precinct boundaries between such precincts. CURRENT BOUNDARIES

The agenda for Monday’s City Council meeting (PDF) includes the following item of specifically local interest: Ord. No. 2013-125 (Patron: Mr. Agelasto) – To amend and reordain City Code §§ 30-114 and 30-116, concerning precinct boundaries for Precincts 503 and 505, for the purpose of establishing new precinct boundaries between such precincts. CURRENT BOUNDARIES

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