Conservation Area To Open June 6
June 3, 2009 For immediate release CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VA – In celebration of National Trails Day, the Chesterfield County Department of Parks and Recreation announces the opening of the John C. Radcliffe Appomattox River Conservation Area, Saturday, June 6. The conservation area contains mature river bottom land and a 50-acre freshwater swamp. There is a 1-mile walking trail with an elevated boardwalk and riverbank fishing access. The trail project is the result of a partnership between Chesterfield County and Alliance Engineering. Alliance prepared the engineering, boardwalk and trail plans, and donated labor valued at $12,000 to complete the project. The John C. Radcliffe Appomattox River Conservation Area is located at 21300 Chesdin Road.
June 3, 2009
For immediate release
CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, VA – In celebration of National Trails Day, the Chesterfield County Department of Parks and Recreation announces the opening of the John C. Radcliffe Appomattox River Conservation Area, Saturday, June 6. The conservation area contains mature river bottom land and a 50-acre freshwater swamp. There is a 1-mile walking trail with an elevated boardwalk and riverbank fishing access.
The trail project is the result of a partnership between Chesterfield County and Alliance Engineering. Alliance prepared the engineering, boardwalk and trail plans, and donated labor valued at $12,000 to complete the project.
The John C. Radcliffe Appomattox River Conservation Area is located at 21300 Chesdin Road.
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