Breaking stereotypes at Richmond Bike Forum
Will Richmond become a city where cyclists no longer fit into a stereotype? The type that either wears all spandex, the urban hipster, the poor and car-less? This was asked Thursday night a the Richmond Bike Forum, which amounted to a celebration of biking in the city. About 100 of Richmond’s most involved members of […]
Will Richmond become a city where cyclists no longer fit into a stereotype? The type that either wears all spandex, the urban hipster, the poor and car-less? This was asked Thursday night a the Richmond Bike Forum, which amounted to a celebration of biking in the city.
About 100 of Richmond’s most involved members of the cycling community came out Thursday night to the Virginia War Memorial to hear several speakers, including Mayor Dwight Jones and Tim Miller, the executive director of Richmond 2015 Inc.
In his first big public speaking appearance, Jakob Helmboldt, Pedestrian, Bicycle and Trails Coordinator for the City of Richmond laid out the plans to help Richmond become more bike and pedestrian friendly.
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