A Call for Councilman Moore to Step Aside
Dear Brian, As you know as a member of the residents-of-historic-districts email group, the following was posted to that group email listserv earlier this week by Colleen Mattocks: I spoke with Brian Moore via telephone the Saturday afternoon before the September council meeting was to be held […]
Dear Brian,
As you know as a member of the residents-of-historic-districts email group, the following was posted to that group email listserv earlier this week by Colleen Mattocks:
I spoke with Brian Moore via telephone the Saturday afternoon before the September council meeting was to be held (which is now postponed until 10/27).
We discussed the Hinton St. Project and reasons why he supported it.
His answer was that several people did support it.
When I asked who… he did not disclose specific names.
No other reasons where given by Brian.
I told him we were new to the neighborhood and when I went on-line to the Petersburg website we could not find his email or phone number.
He indicated that he’d have to get the website updated with his information.
I also asked him what he did for a living… which he responded “telecom consultant”.
I asked him if his consulting firm was to benefit from this project moving forward…. no response was given.
Questioned him again why he supported this project… no response.
I thanked him for returning my call and asked him to please listen to the residents of High Street when it came to voting on the Hinton St. Project.
As far as I know, you have not responded to Colleen’s question from early last month as to whether or not your consulting firm was to benefit from the Hinton Street project moving forward. If you are unable or unwilling to answer this question, it is not unfair that those who know that you will not answer this question to wonder whether or not your consulting firm was to benefit from the Hinton Street project moving forward.
While I cannot and do not speak for anyone other than myself, it would seem that a clear and unequivocal “no” by you in response to this question would have put this matter to rest. On the other hand, your failure to answer this question may in the minds of many place a cloud over the City’s actions by leaving in the air a question as to whether inappropriate benefit from this project going forward will or may be conferred on an elected official in a position of public trust who is empowered to vote on a key rezoning request and other related matters that may come before City Council.
As this stands now, and as a Ward 4 resident and business owner, I ask that you remove yourself from all governmental deliberations or discussions of any kind with respect to the Hinton Street Project, and that you abstain on the record whenever this matter comes before City Council.
You have been a long time friend of my family. My household has long supported you. I take no pleasure in making this request, but I see no choice but to do so.
The Law Office of Dale W. Pittman, P.C.
The Eliza Spotswood House
112-A West Tabb Street
Petersburg, Virginia 23803
(804) 861-6000 – Telephone
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Virginia Trial Lawyers Association
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