TIP! Ride a bus to the worlds

And do it without constantly laying down cash or card. One pass moves your ass (free tagline, GRTC!).

If the thought of trying to plow your car through the miles and miles of road closures and cyclists due to the Big Bike Race™ makes your skin crawl and your clutch foot twitch, why not take the bus? For a limited time, GRTC is offering a $35 unlimited pass valid from September 18th – 28th.

You’d need to take about 23 trips1 over the course of the ten days to “get your money’s worth,” but I think that’s a bad way to look at these unlimited fare cards. Since you don’t need to carry around a bunch of cash and you don’t need to worry about mentally calculating a growing stack of bus fares, you’ll be more likely to actually see a bus and just take it.

Here are the details you need to know:

Fill out my online form.

  1. Another way to think about it: slightly more than one trip out and one trip back each day of the Big Bike Race™. And if you count any transfers on your route, you’d have to take even fewer rides to make it pay for itself! 
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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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