Archives: Off the Clock old

Ain’t no hollaback girl!

When you’re a woman who’s nearly forty, how do you go about explaining the lifetime of harassment and unkindness that goes into your response to harassment?

Dear Internet, be nice

News of Amy Winehouse’s death last week has fostered a lot of comments about the singer’s addiction-fueled past. A lot of what people have been saying online has been exceptionally rude and highly mean-spirited. Now one of Richmond’s most cynical and foul-mouthed citizens takes her turn and joins in…but it’s not directed at who you think.

Accidentally on Purpose

A coworker’s son, Ethan, died last week. Thirty-one years old, he was a man who was saddled with both a genius IQ and a lifelong struggle with depression. After his usual Saturday round of golf with his dad, my coworker, Ethan decided to end his life.

Ruby & Me

I remember meeting her for the first time during a visit to my uncle’s house. We pulled up to his house and exited our station wagon: my father, mother, brother, and me, and my uncle’s large pack of prized Dobermans surrounded us and barked fiercely.

A wide (and wrinkly) age gap

While it’s true that “age ain’t nothin’ but a number” (apologies to Aaliyah, her memory deserves better) there is something to be said for shared experiences. Husband number three was much older than I. MUCH older.

Mommy’s crazy pills

Nadya Suleman is the woman whom the media so adorably nicknamed “Octomom” when she gave birth to eight babies at once two years ago (and who was already the mother of six children, technically making her Quattuordecmom, but whatever). She recently gave an interview to In Touch magazine, that has people in an uproar.

Freaks, geeks, and peaks

I was what you might call an “early bloomer”. Already a lady in the menstrual fashion by 11-years-old, I was the first of my friends for a lot of things, including the dreaded breast development.

A lowdown dirty shame

Is pointing at someone’s body and shaming them about it really a good motivator for them to lose weight? What if it’s Gwyneth Paltrow shaming you?

Farewell Mrs. Dibos

My favorite teacher, Kate Dibos, died on Saturday, after a painful struggle with a rare neuroendocrine cancer. While I hadn’t seen her in twenty years, she played a big part in who I am today, and her lessons are being passed down to my teens as well.

Textual Healing

Why should the death of a 60-year-old, washed up actor, matter to a 16-year-old high school sophomore and her checkout girl mother?

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