Archives: Off the Clock old

She’s (not) having a baby

One of the big scoops in health news right now is the development of a home HPV test for the ladies. Which is great–as long as you know enough to use it.

I see dead people

She witnessed a horrific and extraordinary car accident 20 years ago. That accident gets thrust back into her life as a recent footage of Muammar Gaddafi’s dead body paraded across television sets.

The Sound of Silence, Part 2

Last week, she had to make a very difficult decision. Should she contact the woman whose husband hurt her, all those years ago, and tell her the truth about what happened, or should she leave it alone?

The Sound of Silence

One night a friend took advantage of her while she slept. 11 years later, a recent news story about someone who had a similar experience, thousands of feet in the air, has helped her realize that it wasn’t her fault 11 years ago.

My dad is an alcoholic

We all know that love is magical, but is it enough to pull someone off the path of self-destruction? Here’s how a Hollywood superstar and I learned a lesson the hard way.

Never Remember to Never Forget: 9/11 Ten Years Later

It’s better late than never, so goes the expression. But does this sentiment still apply when it comes to appreciating the tragedy of 9/11? The Checkout Girl tells us how she slept through nearly 10 years of tragedy before finally getting on the same page as the rest of us.

I come from a long line of baby babymakers.

We like to get the business of getting married and having children out of the way, like so much puberty. I sometimes call us “The Pregnant At The Prom Family”, but that’s really only happened once.

Maggie kicks some ass

Young girls are now more likely to become weight-obsessed robots completely withdrawn from their own feelings because a well-known (and fictional) child dieter has inspired them to do so. Not everyone, however, is happy with this development.

Coming out of the (super clean) OCD closet

We all have little quirks, but what happens when these “little quirks” evolve into big problems? Should we do everything in our power to rid ourselves of them, or do we let our obsessive behaviors make us who we are, even at the risk of becoming crazy?

Gay! Who’s To Say?

Can a gay man marry someone who is now a woman? Doesn’t that make him straight? Or, at the very least, bisexual?

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