Two meetings on Broad Street Rapid Transit project
Learn more about the plans for Broad Street and rapid transit.
In an effort to keep you excited about Bus Rapid Transit and informed about the Broad Street BRT process, there are two upcoming public meetings. See details and locations below:
On January 26th and 27th, the GRTC BRT Project team will present a status update, startup activities and long range timeline for the Broad Street Project. The meetings will be conducted on an informal basis, with members of the public able to discuss their concerns with Project team members.
The same program will be presented at each meeting, scheduled as follows from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. each day, with a presentation at 7 p.m.:
- Monday, Jan. 26 – Main Street Station, 1500 East Main Street, Richmond;
- Tuesday, Jan. 27 – Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), 2300 West Broad Street, Richmond.
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