
Richmond Police unveil crime mapping website

It’s now way easier (and more fun?) to research local crime.

Richmond crime data now has a better way of getting to the public through RAIDS Online, a free website that collects and displays crime data collected from law enforcement agencies across the country. Richmond Police unveiled their participation in the system this morning at Police Headquarters.

The online database allows users to analyze crime in various ways:

  • Map: Denoting type of crime, address, location type, as well as date and time.
  • Data Grid: Columns of data can be sorted using several variables.
  • Analytics: Graphs provide visual crime trends in specific areas using several parameters.
  • Metadata: Highlights sources and accuracy on the map to improve transparency and trust in the information.

RAIDS Online was designed to increase public knowledge about crime. The system also sends automatic alerts to the public about recent crime.

Here’s a RAIDS Online tutorial. You can view the crime map here.

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Nathan Cushing

Nathan Cushing is a writer, journalist, and RVANews Editor.

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