Redevelopment studies gearing up for City Stadium
More than 50 people turned out for Councilman Parker Agelasto‘s 5th District meeting Wednesday evening at the Randolph Community Center. The core of the meeting was a presentation on what is going on with City Stadium by Brendan Williamson of the Richmond Department of Economic and Community Development.
More than 50 people turned out for Councilman Parker Agelasto‘s 5th District meeting Wednesday evening at the Randolph Community Center.
The core of the meeting was a presentation on what is going on with City Stadium by Brendan Williamson of the Richmond Department of Economic and Community Development. In a continuation of the process underway for over 3 years now, there will be two studies over the next month to determine what options there are for the future of the site.
The first study will provide a look at what would it cost to invest in rehabilitation of City Stadium for continued use as a stadium or as a sports-entertainment complex. A draft of this study is expected by the end of August or early September. Hunden Strategic Partners out of Chicago is conducting this study, and have already spoken to 30 potential users of the site (including SportsBackers, local schools, The Richmond Kickers, and VCU). Williamson says that VCU reported that they do not have any interest the site, though this was disputed by several sources in the audience.
The second study will be an exploration of what would be the highest and best use of the land at City Stadium if completely redeveloped. Representatives from several local civic associations voiced skepticism about this study, with one stating that “our point of view has not changed”. A meeting in 2011 brought out a reported 300 people in opposition to plans floated by Margaret Freund’s Fulton Hill Partnership. Williamson said that the process “will not be driven by someone in the private sector who does not have control of the site” and that the city was not leaning towards any specific outcome.
A community session is tentatively scheduled for late September or early October.
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