Smokin’ in the Heights this Friday
Get ready for a bit of barbecue.

There have been a few hiccups with the Friday Food Trucks at Woodland Heights Baptist this year. The weather and the vendors have both thrown a few curveballs. This week there is a changeup. There won’t be any food trucks but there will still be plenty of tasty food.
An update on the food event this Friday July 8th 5:30-8:00 PM in the Woodland Heights Baptist Church parking lot (611 W. 31st St.):
Since food trucks are committed elsewhere this coming Friday, BBQ master Dave Phillips will bring his hickory smoked delicacies to our Woodland Heights Baptist Church parking lot. We will be smoking all day Friday–feel free to drop by and say hello.
The menu is shaping up. We should have ribs, brisket, sliced and minced BBQ. Hamburgers and hotdogs will also be available. Side dishes will include barbecue beans, Carolina sweet slaw, cornbread, mac & cheese, and banana pudding. A choice of cold drinks and water will come with a plate.
There may be a dessert vendor attending as well–we’re still working on those details.
Note that this is a cash only event–we cannot handle electronic/credit charges.
We have not emphasized it lately but we encourage donations of food to our food closet ministry (to the 23224 an 23225 zip codes). This will be a good time to bring some canned/boxed goods: peanut butter, spaghetti, jelly, canned corn, green beans etc. Dave plans to help the food closet by donating a portion of his profits to food closet. Thanks Dave!
If you have any questions, please let me know. Mark your calendars for this tasty event!
–Robert Johns
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