RVA Deals
Check out this week’s best deals on meat, veggies, fruits, beverages, staples and more!
I want to echo a tip given by MidloMama last week…
[Regarding the “4 for $1” Mac & Cheese price at Ukrops’ One Day Sale] You don’t have to buy the whole amount to get the good price. For example, you don’t have to buy 4 Mac and Cheeses for $1, they’ll ring up at .25/ea.
This is true of Kroger and Ukrop’s, as well as most other grocery stores. When the price is advertised as “x items for $y,” you don’t have to buy x items to receive the sale price. The individual unit price is just y-dollars divided by x-quantity. The math is easy enough on “2 for $3” or “4 for $1” but cell phone calculators come in handy when you start seeing “3 for $5” and beyond.
It’s a sneaky marketing technique on the part of stores, making prices less clear and encouraging customers to purchase more than they otherwise would. An egregious example: This week at Kroger, half-gallons of milk are on sale “4 for $6.” Any elementary school fractions student would tell you that can be reduced to “2 for $3,” so why not market it as such?
Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule – See this week’s dairy and beverage top picks for examples. If lesser quantities are more expensive at Kroger or Ukrop’s, there will be advertising fine print disclosing the details.
Meat Top Pick
Tyson boneless, skinless chicken breasts are on sale for $1.99/lb again at Kroger.
Veggies Top Pick
Dole Blend Salads are 50% off at Ukrop’s. The Mediterranean blend is just $1.89.
Fruit Top Pick
Extra-large Bing cherries at Whole Foods, and organic or conventional cherries at Kroger are all just $2.99/lb. I’m eating a bowl as I compile this list!
Dairy Top Pick
Buy 5 packages of Kraft shredded or bar cheese at Kroger and pay only $.99 apiece. Quantities less than 5 cost $1.24 each.
Staples Top Pick
Kroger has Thomas English muffins 50% off, either original or whole grain styles.
Snacks Top Pick
Chow down on a 1-lb bag of Snyders pretzels for $1.50 at Ukrop’s, with Savings Spot coupon printed at kiosk. (Limit 4)
Beverages Top Pick
Pick up Coke 12-pack cans “4 for $10” at Kroger. (If purchasing less than 4 in a transaction, price will be $3.25 each)
Household Top Pick
Cascade dishwasher detergent is on sale for $3.99 at Kroger (20ct gel packs or 75oz powder or gel). Last Sunday’s paper had a coupon for $1 off any Cascade product, and you can load a $.50 eCoupon to your Kroger card from the P&G eSAVER website.
Find more deals by accessing the stores’ weekly ads online:
- Prices valid 7/15-7/11: Kroger, Ukrop’s, Target, Walgreen’s, CVS
- Prices valid 7/8-7/15: Tom Leonard’s, Whole Foods, Fresh Market
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