
Listening Back: Brian Jones

In Listening Back, we chronicle the happenings at The Camel’s free weekly jazz series on Tuesday nights. Be there if you can. But if you can’t, stop by here every Saturday for a recap in sights and sounds. This week, Brian Jones continued the series with two of his groups.

Listen to Brian Jones + JC Kuhl:

[audio:http://media.rvanews.com/Brian%20Jones%20and%20JC%20Kuhl%20022211.mp3|titles=Live at The Camel February 22 2011|artists=Brian Jones JC Kuhl]

Listen to Brian Jones Quintet:

[audio:http://media.rvanews.com/Brian%20Jones%20Quintet%20022211.mp3|titles=Live at The Camel February 22 2011|artists=Brian Jones Quintet]

Listen to Marty McCavitt:

[audio:http://media.rvanews.com/Marty%20McCavit%20022211.mp3|titles=Live at The Camel February 22 2011|artists=Marty McCavitt]

On Tuesday, Compass Rose Orchestra and UTV continue the free series. The Camel is located at 1621 W. Broad St. in Richmond, VA. More information is available at thecamel.org.

Listen back to other gigs in Richmond

Photos by Lucas Fritz

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Dean Christesen

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