
Gardenwars: THE VICTOR!

After weeks of gardening and voting we have a 2013 Gardenwars winner!

They planted. They gardened. They harvested. They (presumably) ate. For the last eight weeks these mostly urban gardeners have, from only the hard ground and their own sweat and blood, produced real, edible food! It’s an envious skill, especially if/when we face a zombie apocalypse; when we’re all living in the Appalachian Mountains surviving off of the land, there’s not going to be a whole lot of need for local news websites, I’ll tell you that much.

But we’ve got a website (for now), and one of the things we can do is vote on things like other people’s gardens! So here <drumroll> are the semi-arbitrary results of our eight-week competition! The anticipation!

Final results

  1. Lesley Bruno
  2. Erik Bonkovsky
  3. John Sarvay
  4. Scott Pharr

Coming into the final stretch it was super close, but Lesley Bruno managed to narrowly pull out the victory. Congratulations to Lesley! As our victor she’ll receive a real and tangible prize courtesy of Plow & Hearth.

Thanks for voting folks, maybe we’ll do it again some time!

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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