Free kid shows at Dogwood Dell

The 59th Festival of the Arts at Dogwood Dell is underway, and there are some great (and free!) kid shows scheduled to appear on the Ha’Penny Stage.

Photo by: Applause Unlimited

The Festival of the Arts is known for packing our summers with chances to see everything from jazz to gospel to salsa to opera–they’ve even got a bell concert scheduled, for Pete’s sake. But it doesn’t stop there! They’ve got tons of stuff for the kiddos, too.

The Ha’Penny stage (you probably know it as “that platform behind the Carillon that my kids like to climb on”) will host a pretty exciting lineup this summer–and all of the shows are free! Go ahead and mark these dates on your calendars, ‘rents!

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Valerie Catrow

Valerie Catrow is editor of RVAFamily, mother to a mop-topped first grader, and always really excited to go to bed.

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