Food News: The Pig and Pearl opens, Yapple closes, and Hardywood Gingerbread Stout hits the shelves
A new upscale sports bar opens in The Fan, Yapple Carytown defaults on its lease, and one of America’s best beers hits the shelves.
The Pig and Pearl opened this past Monday in the old Republic spot on Broad street. P&P will focus on meat-heavy comfort food in a “sports-oriented atmosphere.” I don’t know about y’all, but I take a sports-oriented atmosphere with me wherever I go, so I’m excited to be amongst my people.
Also, totally not my people, but cigar smokers will have their own little spot-inside-the-spot called BURN. Smoking inside a restaurant!? What is this, the entire course of Virginia history until fairly recently?
The Pig and Pearl is located at 2053 W. Broad Street.
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From West of The Boulevard News we have word that Yapple Carytown has been shut down and is “in default of its lease.” Here’s a super blurry photo of the notice posted on their door.
Richmond, we flew too close to the sun. Whatever made us think that we could live this “two yogurt stores adjacent to each other” lifestyle? Foolish. Now none of us can Instagram their ceiling anymore, I hope you’ve all learned your lesson.
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GINGERBREAD STOUT!!! Beer Advocate awards so few beers a perfect score, and one of those rare few is Hardywood’s Gingerbread Stout. It’s kind of a big deal. Anyway, the GBS is out in stores now, but if you don’t act fast / have already acted then it may be too late. I’ve seen a case at Once Upon a Vine on the Northside and hear tell of some stock at Total Wine, Carytown Kroger, and, of course, at Hardywood. Good luck and Godspeed!
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Have you ever wanted to skip all the unnecessary back and forth between chewing your Thanksgiving dinner and drinking a handful of Thanksgiving beers? Well, now you can thanks to Style Weekly Editor in Chief Jason Roop and Legend Brewing. The local media mogul put the gist of a Thanksgiving meal (a spicy concoction of sage, cinnamon, and cranberries) into a keg of Legend’s Winter White and let it sit for a couple of weeks. It’s like Thanksgiving in a glass!
They tapped the keg at Legend yesterday, so the already limited supply may be no more!
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For a quick second a couple of weeks ago, it looked like the South of the James market wouldn’t have a winter home this year. Not only have they secured a spot for the stupid, wintery months, but they’ve worked it out to just stay put at Forest Hill Park. Hoorays all around!
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Are you lazy and hate America’s most best holiday? If so has put in a ton of work to scrape together a list of RVA restaurants that will be serving Thanksgiving dinner. Hoorays / sadfaces all around?
Photo by: nikkijw
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