5 Things: Soccer, marriage, Bowie, wrestling, and dogs wearing hats
This weekend, watch famous people in spandex throw chairs at each other, then go celebrate Easter.

Photo by: Steve Corey
1. Richmond Kickers Home Opener
While we’re all bummed we won’t be able to watch our Rams play basketball anymore this season (RIP my overly-optimistic bracket), let’s not forget about our local soccer team! Richmond Kickers will start…will begin…will kick off (I’M SORRY IT SLIPPED) their season this weekend. Score yourself a seat (I JUST CAN’T STOP) to the first game of the year! No puns included.
- Saturday, March 26th • doors at 3:30 PM
- Richmond City Stadium, 3201 Maplewood Avenue
- $12 – 20
2. I Do! I Do!
Being married for 50 years is bound to include a lot of difficulties. And it’s bound to have a lot of merriment. It’s also bound to have a bit of monotony in the romance department. In I Do! I Do!, this couple works to rekindle the sparks that appeared when they first married half a century ago. Entertainment, hilarity, and warm fuzzy emotions guaranteed. Oh and here’s something interesting…the actors are played by an actual married couple! I don’t know why that fascinates me so much but it does!
- Through April 10th • see site for times
- Hanover Tavern, 13181 Hanover Courthouse Road
- $40
3. WWE Live Road to Wrestlemania
Forget spending your Saturday night watching WWE in your living room and yelling at the pro-wrestlers through your TV…you can do all of that LIVE at the Richmond Coliseum this weekend! They’ll have everything you’d hope for, from headlocks to backflips to that thing where the wrestlers bounce off the ropes into the middle of the ring.
- Saturday, March 26th • 7:30 PM
- The Richmond Coliseum, 601 E. Leigh Street
- $15
4. Martian Spring Beer Release & Life on Mars
Richmond’s own band, Life on Mars: A Tribute to David Bowie, is playing this weekend at Strangeways Brewery in memory and recognition to the late, great singer himself. And incidentally, it’s the same day that Strangeways is releasing their Martian Spring Biere de Mars. Well-timed planning on the part of the brewers, or crazy coincidence commanded by the spirit of David Bowie himself?
- Saturday, March 26th • 7:00 PM
- Strangeways Brewing, 2277A Dabney Road
- $10
5. Easter On Parade
They should just call this “Richmond is just so dang excited about spring that they shut down part of a major street for an entire afternoon” Parade. Or “Let’s see how many silly clothes we can put on our dogs” Parade. Or “This is really more of a festival than a parade” Parade. But no one asked me, so “Easter On” Parade it is.
- Sunday, March 27th • 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM
- Monument Avenue between Allen and Davis Avenues
- Free!
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