School Accreditation Status
Public School accreditation numbers are out and it’s a mixed bag for neighborhood schools. Middle Schools across the state seem to be struggling; locally, none of our neighborhood middle schools are fully accredited (only 2 city-wide received full accreditation). Elementary and High School numbers look much better. SCHOOL NAME ACCREDITATION […]
Public School accreditation numbers are out and it’s a mixed bag for neighborhood schools. Middle Schools across the state seem to be struggling; locally, none of our neighborhood middle schools are fully accredited (only 2 city-wide received full accreditation). Elementary and High School numbers look much better.
Blackwell Elementary | Accredited with Warning |
Chandler Middle | Conditionally Accredited |
Elizabeth D. Redd Elementary | Fully Accredited |
Elkhardt Middle | Accredited with Warning |
Fred D. Thompson Middle | Accredited with Warning |
George Wythe High | Fully Accredited |
Huguenot High | Fully Accredited |
J. B. Fisher Elementary | Fully Accredited |
Lucille M. Brown Middle | Accredited with Warning |
Miles Jones Elementary | Fully Accredited |
Southampton Elementary | Fully Accredited |
Swansboro Elementary | Fully Accredited |
Westover Hills Elementary | Fully Accredited |
Full Disclosure: The Author’s significant other is a teacher at one of the 2 fully accredited RPS middle schools.
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