Richmond 2k7 Blog Awards
Hurray, another sophomoric popularity contest! But this one has prizes.
Or RVA2k7BA for short.
I’ll tell you what guys, if there is one thing I’ve learned from Style and Richmond Magazine it’s that handing out awards makes for easy articles. “Top 40 Under 40”, “Richmond’s Best/Worst”, “The Power List”, etc, etc. If you write for any sort of anything doing a “best of” piece is, like, your golden gun.
Earlier this year, after experiencing some displeasure with Richmond Magazine’s Best/Worst list, we (the Suze and I) decided to have our own Best and Worst Recount. Continuing in a similar vein, and for, perhaps, lack of better content, I bring you: the Richmond 2k7 Blog Awards.
Here are the categories:
Topical awards
- Best community blog
- Best political blog
- Best business blog
- Best food blog
- Best diarist
- Best topical blog
- Most addicting blog
- Funniest blog
Overall awards
- Best writing skills from a blogger
- Best designed blog
- Best kept secret
- Best new blog in 2k7
- Simply Tri-ing
- RVANews
- All of the community blogs (Carver & Jackson Ward News, Chesterfield Daily, Church Hill People’s News, The Fan District Hub, Hills and Heights, Near West End News, North Richmond News, Oregon Hill, Petersburg People’s News, River District News, West of the Boulevard News)
- Jake Lyell Photography
- The Jim-nasium
- Post of the year
- Blog of the year — sponsored by openhouse
So go! Vote! We’ll keep the voting up through the month of December and announce the winners come January. Also: award winners will get FANTASTIC PRIZES*.
*Where prizes is defined as pretty neat RVANews stickers. Although if some cool business out there wanted to sponsor a category and give away gift certificates or something, that would be awesome!? If you are a cool business shoot me an email.
Update: here is a cool badge for all of the nominees to use.
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