
PODCAST: Sam & Ross Like Things—Ep. 18: “Avatar: The Last Airbender” & Internet likes and hearts

Publisher Ross Catrow and RVANews contributor Sam Davies do a podcast together, where they talk about stuff they like.

Every couple of weeks myself and Sam Davies, who you may know from his fortnightly work on Raising Richmond, get together to record an episode of Sam and Ross Like Things. This is a “podcast”–you know, like Serial but with fewer murders and AWOL military personnel. Or, if it helps you understand better, like old timey radio shows with newfangley technology.

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This week Ross likes–no, loves–an animated TV show, and Sam talks about the small joys of Internet likes and hearts.

If you enjoy what you hear, hit up the back catalogue while you wait for us to record episode 19! Or go ahead and subscribe already!



Sam & Ross Like Things
P.O. Box 25914
Richmond, VA 23260-5914

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Ross Catrow

Founder and publisher of RVANews.

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