Neighborhood walk-thru set for Saturday
The Richmond Police Department will be teaming up with Museum District and Carytown residents and doing a “walk-thru” the neighborhood to discuss concerns and actually look first-hand at the problems in our area. Police are specifically looking for quality of life issues that are impacting the area – things like speeding, panhandling, prostitution, and drugs. It’s […]
The Richmond Police Department will be teaming up with Museum District and Carytown residents and doing a “walk-thru” the neighborhood to discuss concerns and actually look first-hand at the problems in our area.
Police are specifically looking for quality of life issues that are impacting the area – things like speeding, panhandling, prostitution, and drugs. It’s a great opportunity to inform both citizens and police on what’s going on in the area.
The walk-thru takes place Saturday, March 1st, @ 3pm. Meet at the Third Precinct @ 301 S. Meadow St.
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