Michael Buble vs. Stevie Wonder.

Last week we did an otis vs michael op/ed. This week we continue the competition. so heres Michael… httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hOuMB_m-RA and here’s Stevie… httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CyQHDVz4zAk&feature=related

Last week we did an otis vs michael op/ed. This week we continue the competition.

so heres Michael…


and here’s Stevie…


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Matthew E. White

Notice: Comments that are not conducive to an interesting and thoughtful conversation may be removed at the editor’s discretion.

  1. Matt: Do you post these comparison videos solely to make me angry?

  2. mattwhite on said:

    yes, kind of.

  3. Are you trying to sway people by the fact that we got to see 3 minutes of Michael, a talented singer with the best voice in the world, right now, who sings with passion and feels every note of a song,from a DVD that is 3 years old, as opposed to 8 minutes of a musician with 3 backup singers screaning at the top of his lungs with very little feeling just mostly orchestration, many years ago? Is this a comparison or a demonstration? Stevie Wonder has written some fine music, but the singing should have always have been left to someone who can really sing or who at least cares about how his finished product affects the public. Give me Michael’s sweet dulcet pleasing sounds anyday.

  4. Oh my god…

  5. I second the OMG…its not that Michael Buble is a bad singer (and his last name is shockingly close to bubble…which makes me think of Bubble Bobble, which rules), its just that Stevie Wonder is sooooooooooooooooooo much better! He is screaming because is stoked to rule so hard. Just because someone screams when they sing doesn’t mean they are a bad singer. Look at Roger Daltrey. He screams all of his lyrics with perfect intonation…actually, on that note, I am always shocked to find that he can still talk.

  6. Reggie Pace Hearts Micheal Bubble on said:

    WOW! THATs amazing!!! It like a bad Frank Sinatra impression in a Disney Production @ Busch Gardens in Sucktown!

  7. Reggie Pace on said:

    Did Jackie just say Stevie Wonder couldn’t sing and didn’t care about how the finished product affected the public and he was hiding behind that old trick ..Orchestration? Where am I?

  8. Luckily, we can all rest easy knowing that Jackie’s post had nothing to do with music, sounds, or even visuals.

  9. mattwhite on said:

    Dear Jackie. First of all, I am honored by your presence on the site as you are clearly Michael Boobalay’s internet watchdog and although I had no intention of drawing your wrath I am quite pleased to get it – now on with the blogging. The point of the op/ed is to compare the original song in its original form with the product that Boobalay has made. (we did this before with Try a Little Tenderness and I would be happy to field you comments there as well). As for your comments, Stevie sings the song in question for 2:45 seconds, the other 5:00 are taken up by another tune or so that has no part in this argument. You mention something grumbly about Stevie being buoyed by orchestration but it’s Michael who is playing with an entire big band – 4 trumpets, 4 trombones, 5 woodwinds, 4 rhythm section players AND 9! string players. Stevie’s band is 11 players – as opposed to Boobalay’s TWENTY SEVEN! I don’t know how much you know about orchestration but beginning the argument there was an interesting choice.

    My real issue with Boobalay, is that he is nothing new under the sun. You can say that he is better than Sinatra (as you have had the courage to say on quite a few blogs) or any of the folks that followed in Sinatra’s path, but at the most that is all he is – a likable and talented vocalist in a long line of singers with the same set of aesthetics. Stevie, on the other hand, is genuinely the archetype of his genre, a musician with few equals – a songwriter, drummer, harmonica extraordinaire, keyboardist, arranger etc. His set of aesthetics defines an entire movement in the American musical landscape. Michael Boobalay is a pretty as well as talented face scraping the barrel of a fantastic genre that found its fruition 50 years ago in Nelson Riddles arrangements and Frank Sinatra’s voice.

  10. PInson on said:

    Matt’s right.
    Stevie Wonder is a fantastic drummer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBA4vWQRBA0

  11. he even jammed (on the drums) with Hendrix…

  12. I think the biggest problem with the video comparison is attire. Stevie Wonder is dressed nicely, but let’s give credit to Michael Boobie for his chosen outfit. A tried and true classic style, like his voice. Just classic. Stevie is breaking way too many boundaries here. Michael Babalooie is first in sartorialism and first in our American hearts. It’s like across between Brian Boitano and Mario Lopez on “Danzig with the Stars.”

    ‘Cept for Stevie has passion, which is always shown in sweat (read: Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter, a tortured soldier who will reveal only namerankandID#, and every man on Maury hoping the baby isn’t theirs). BY GOD STEVE YOUVE DONE IT AGAIN! AND THE BABY ISNT YOURS!

  13. Please change your name to Jackie FaughtandPwn’d

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