Lower School Enrollments May Hurt Budgets
As if the school systems, particularly the City’s, don’t have enough to worry about, NBC12 released an article about the lower-than-anticipated student numbers throughout the region. This could mean budget cuts for the various school systems due to lower state support. Henrico predicted 1,000 and only got 600. Hanover thought 158 and got […]
As if the school systems, particularly the City’s, don’t have enough to worry about, NBC12 released an article about the lower-than-anticipated student numbers throughout the region. This could mean budget cuts for the various school systems due to lower state support.
Henrico predicted 1,000 and only got 600. Hanover thought 158 and got less than 100. Richmond ended up losing more than 400 students. Chesterfield predicted 1,100 new students but only ended up with around 500.
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