
Henrico County closing Springfield Road landfill June 30th

Changes affect only commercial haulers; residents can still bring loads of trash to the facility for $3 per trip.

Henrico County’s last publicly-operated landfill is closing at the end of the month, according to the Richmond Times-Dispatch. The 191 acre Springfield Road Landfill, which in fact is not on Springfield Road but Nuckols Road, will close to commercial haulers June 30th.

The facility, which has been in operation for decades, receives approximately 50,000 tons of waste per year. A new $2.3 million transfer station, currently under construction, will allow Henrico County residents to continue to bring loads of trash to the facility for $3 per trip, after which it will be sorted and shipped to another location outside of the county. No county jobs will be affected by the changes. Current employees will transfer to the new facility when it opens.

While the landfill is now at capacity and is scheduled to be ‘capped’ by a team of professionals, the process can take up to 30 years, so don’t expect to see a park similar to Virginia Beach’s Mount Trashmore Park anytime soon on the property.

Read more from the Richmond Times-Dispatch here.

Photo: Joe Mahoney/Richmond Times-Dispatch

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Trevor Dickerson

Trevor Dickerson loves all things Richmond and manages RVANews’ West of the Boulevard and West End community sites.

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