Friends of William Byrd Park meet tonight

The big item on the agenda is a public hearing regarding the application for historic designation of Byrd Park.

Friends of William Byrd Park will meet TONIGHT, November 5, at 7:00 pm, at the Roundhouse.

The meeting will feature a public hearing by the Virginia Department of Historic Resources (DHR) regarding the application for historic designation for Byrd Park.

The public hearing is an opportunity to hear more about the history of Byrd Park, the application, the DHR process, and to voice your concerns and/or support.

More specifics on the application for historic designation:

The purpose of the meeting is to present and explain the nomination process and results of historic district designation, to hear public comment, and to answer questions. DHR will forward the comments to the State Review Board, the Board of Historic Resources, and the agency director. The enclosed material contains information on listing in the registers and describes the process by which property owners may comment or object to the listing.

At a meeting to be held on Thursday, December 10, 2015, in the Halsey Lecture Hall at the Virginia Historical Society located at 428 North Boulevard in Richmond, VA 23221, the Boards will consider the district for recommendation to the National Register of Historic Places and for inclusion in the Virginia Landmarks Register. You are welcome to attend this meeting, which begins at 10 a.m. Written comments should be received prior to the meeting date in order to be considered with the nomination. Results of the Board meeting will appear on our website,, within ten working days following the meeting.

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Richard Hayes

When Richard isn’t rounding up neighborhood news, he’s likely watching soccer or chasing down the latest and greatest craft beer.

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