Focus INC workshops in October
1) Friday, October 3rd, 1pm-4pm, Nonprofit Retirement Plans 2) Wednesday, October 8th. 5:30pm-8:30pm, Risk Management for Nonprofits 3) Monday, October 13th, 1pm-4pm, Program Evaluation 102: Making the Connections 4) Tuesday, October 21st, 8:30am-5:00pm, IRS Form 990s: Form Changes, Preparation & Evaluation 1) Friday, October 3rd, 1pm-4pm, Nonprofit Retirement Plans Petersburg Library, Basement Meeting Room, 137 South Sycamore Street, 23803, with Randy […]
1) Friday, October 3rd, 1pm-4pm, Nonprofit Retirement Plans
2) Wednesday, October 8th. 5:30pm-8:30pm, Risk Management for Nonprofits
3) Monday, October 13th, 1pm-4pm, Program Evaluation 102: Making the Connections
4) Tuesday, October 21st, 8:30am-5:00pm, IRS Form 990s: Form Changes, Preparation & Evaluation
1) Friday, October 3rd, 1pm-4pm, Nonprofit Retirement Plans
Petersburg Library, Basement Meeting Room, 137 South Sycamore Street, 23803, with
Randy Howard.
Nonprofit retirement plans have received little attention or oversight by any regulatory body until recent years. Many nonprofit board members do not recognize their fiduciary role for plan oversight,
including the approval of investment choices, the competitive selection of providers, and the monitoring of fees. This session is designed for board and senior staff members of NPOs that have or are considering establishing a 403b plan. FREE!
2) Wednesday, October 8th. 5:30pm-8:30pm, Risk Management for Nonprofits
Hopewell Public Library, Community Meeting Room, 209 East Cawson Street, 23860, with Sam Revenson.
Bad things can happen at nonprofits, too! Employees, guests, customers, property, equipment, vehicles, and the services you provide – all have inherent risks for economic loss. What can you do to be proactive? This session covers both identification of risks at your organization and what to do about them. Attendees will learn different risk transfer and reduction strategies, including contracts, insurance, safety, training, and physical controls. Examples of problem and solution choices will be discussed. $20 includes light refreshments.
3) Monday, October 13th, 1pm-4pm, Program Evaluation 102: Making the Connections
Harrowgate Elementary School, 15501 Harrowgate Road, Chester, 23831, with Barbie Dunn.
This workshop provides an introduction to the use of logic models in evaluation planning. Logic models are popular tools used to represent relationships between program needs, goals, objectives, activities, and outcomes. Making these connections provides a road map for both understanding and evaluating an organization’s programs. Anyone associated with program planning or providing outcome information to funders or the public will benefit from this session. $20
4) Tuesday, October 21st, 8:30am-5:00pm, IRS Form 990s: Form Changes, Preparation & Evaluation
The Cameron Foundation, 24 West Old Street, Petersburg, 23803.
Virginia nonprofits have very few reporting requirements once they obtain 501(c)(3) status; however, IRS Form 990s are one of the most important. NOTE: Major changes have been made to Form 990s in the past year and organizations whose next fiscal year ends 12/31/08 or later are expected to integrate these requirements by their FYE date. In these full-day seminars, three separate workshops provide different levels of Form 990 information:
From 8:30-11:00am, Bunkie Righter of GuideStar-Philanthropic Research leads board members and senior staff through the form in general and points out areas foundations and others evaluate for service information and financial ratio performance. $20
From 11:30am-2:00pm, Randy Howard discusses recent changes passed by the IRS related to form design and supporting information with those responsible for ensuring appropriate form preparation (including accountants and organization staff). $20
From 2:30pm-5:00pm, Melody Stone walks financial staff and form preparers through a translation between an NPO’s chart of accounts and the information reported on the form. $20
For planning purposes, pre-registration is strongly encouraged; however, walk-in registrants are always welcome. To read a description about each of these sessions/instructors and/or to obtain Fall (Sept-Dec) 2008 registration forms, go to The Cameron Foundation’s website, (under Nonprofit Resources / Focus INC), the Southside Virginia Nonprofit Resource Center website, (under Learning Opportunities), or contact Gail Merridew at or one of the phone numbers listed below.
We look forward to serving you,
Gail Merridew
Program Coordinator
(866)403-5505 Toll Free
(804)957-5913 Petersburg
(804)795-9009 Richmond
(804)874-5334 Cell
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